Zucchini and Bean Salad With Bulgur

Believe it or not, nothing on this plate requires much in the way of preparation—or cooking. The bulgur simply steams in boiling water, so after making a quick vinaigrette and chopping your zucchini, shallot, and dill, you’re ready to toss this tasty salad together and serve. Salted roasted almonds lend some crunch, while creamy, crumbled goat cheese ties it all together. You’ll be sitting down within 20 minutes to a satisfying but unexpected dinner that’s as healthy as it is convenient.

Get the recipe: Zucchini and Bean Salad With Bulgur
Zucchini and Bean Salad With Bulgur Zucchini and Bean Salad With Bulgur Reviewed by ate-master on ديسمبر 30, 2019 Rating: 5

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