Whole-Grain Spaghetti With Garlicky Kale and Tomatoes

Craving pasta but not in the mood to load up on carbs? We devised this super easy dinner idea: a pasta dish with garlic, onion, kale, grape tomatoes, and almonds to go with whole-grain noodles. As you boil the spaghetti, you’ll cook the kale on the stovetop with garlic and onion, which only takes a few minutes. Top the pasta with kale, chopped roasted almonds, and pecorino cheese. We’re willing to bet the whole family will love this 30-minute supper idea. Especially you.

Whole-Grain Spaghetti With Garlicky Kale and Tomatoes Whole-Grain Spaghetti With Garlicky Kale and Tomatoes Reviewed by ate-master on ديسمبر 30, 2019 Rating: 5

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