Shrimp With Tomatoes and Olives

Shrimp With Tomatoes and Olives

This flavorful shrimp dish served over couscous—a quick cooking staple that’s an instant time-saver—requires just 10 minutes spent over the stove. And, from start to finish, the supper’s on the table in 20 minutes total. As the grain cooks, you’ll sauté chopped onion, then make a sauce with canned diced tomatoes, green olives, and white wine before adding the shrimp and simmering the mixture for a few more minutes. This easy dinner idea is perfect for a fall or winter night whenever the whole family’s dealing with busy schedules—and growling stomachs.

Shrimp With Tomatoes and Olives Shrimp With Tomatoes and Olives Reviewed by ate-master on ديسمبر 30, 2019 Rating: 5

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