Poached Halibut With Green Beans and Red Potatoes

Poached Halibut With Green Beans and Red Potatoes

Just seven ingredients combine to make this delicious seafood dinner. You’ll boil whole red potatoes then green beans until just tender before mixing the cooked vegetables with some butter, fresh chives, and salt and pepper. Then, in a separate skillet, you’ll poach the fish in a bite of white whine. After plating the meal, take any leftover butter and spoon it over the fish. That plate might look like it came from a fancy seafood restaurant, but with this fast recipe, you can replicate it easily at home.

Poached Halibut With Green Beans and Red Potatoes Poached Halibut With Green Beans and Red Potatoes Reviewed by ate-master on ديسمبر 30, 2019 Rating: 5

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