Roasted Cod and Scallions With Spiced Potatoes

Roasted Cod and Scallions With Spiced Potatoes

Some quick and easy dinner ideas require little chopping, or just a single pan, or even very little cooking. In this case, all the ingredients cook in the oven, which makes for very little prep—and very few dishes to wash. Start with four pieces of skinless cod (halibut or striped bass fillet work nicely, too), which is topped with strips of lemon zest and roasted alongside scallions and sliced red potatoes, coated in olive oil and chili powder. Oh, and it’s all ready in 30 minutes.

Roasted Cod and Scallions With Spiced Potatoes Roasted Cod and Scallions With Spiced Potatoes Reviewed by ate-master on ديسمبر 30, 2019 Rating: 5

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