Caribbean Tenderloin With Mango Salsa

Caribbean Tenderloin With Mango Salsa

Give dinnertime a tropical flair with this lively salsa made with fresh mango, scallions, lime juice, and crushed red pepper. Chop up the ingredients and mix the salsa up first thing; then set it aside to let the flavors meld a bit while you prep the pork tenderloin, which gets cooked under the broiler in just 12 to 15 minutes. Put a lime wedge on each plate to amp up the tart citrus flavor, and serve the quick dinner alongside a green salad or rice, if you’d like.

Caribbean Tenderloin With Mango Salsa Caribbean Tenderloin With Mango Salsa Reviewed by ate-master on ديسمبر 30, 2019 Rating: 5

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