Baked Pecorino Chicken

A crunchy coating of grated pecorino, bread crumbs, and butter breathes new life into boneless, skinless, chicken breasts. This technique might look time-intensive, but in reality, the recipe couldn’t be easier: Rather than breading each individual piece of meat, you sprinkle the bread crumb mixture over the chicken, placed side-by-side in a baking dish. And the best part? While the chicken cooks in the oven, you’ll have more than enough time to whip up a healthful and colorful side of sautéed Swiss chard, or whatever leafy green or other vegetable your family loves.

Get the recipe: Baked Pecorino Chicken
Baked Pecorino Chicken Baked Pecorino Chicken Reviewed by ate-master on ديسمبر 30, 2019 Rating: 5

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